A Safi é uma mulher corajosa: teve 7 filhos do primeiro marido - que morreu picado por uma cobra. Casou de novo e teve mais 7 filhos. O segundo marido abandonou-a. Três filhos morreram.
Quando ficou sozinha com 11 filhos, a família pressionou-a a casar de novo, pois não poderia ficar sozinha. Não aceitou essa situação por não saber que marido lhe iria calhar - se um que a ajudaria ou que a obrigasse a ter ainda mais filhos.
Por não aceitar casar de novo, a família recusou-a e teve de ir viver para Empada, renegada pela própria família...
A Safi que eu conheci era uma pessoa livre do peso e valores tradicionais. Pensava pela sua própria cabeça, fruto da coragem que teve em recusar mais um casamento.
É, no entanto, uma das pessoas mais pobres de Empada...
With this picture, I finish the photographic cycle dedicated to Safi.
Safi is a brave woman: she had 7 children with her first husband, who died bitten by a snake. She got married again and she had another 7 children. Her second husband abandoned her. Three of her children died.
When she was left alone with 11 children, her family pressured her into marriage again, for she couldn’t stay alone. She didn’t accept the situation since she didn’t know what kind of husband she would get – one that would help her or one that would force make her have more children.
Because she didn’t want to remarry, her family refused her and she had to move to Empada, rejected by her own family…
The Safi I met was a woman free of the weight of traditional values. She thought with her own head, which was a result of the courage she had to decline yet another marriage.
She is, however, one of the poorest people in Empada…